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Luis G.
Back-end and Systems Engineer

Amazon Aws
Spring Boot
JPA (Java Persistence API)

With over a decade of experience specializing in Web application development using Java and its main frameworks, the professional has excelled in leading technical teams for more than eight years. They seek new opportunities to spearhead projects from the ground up, focusing on continuous improvement without the need for incessant maintenance. Their ambition lies in engaging with projects that utilize microservices architectures, specifically with Netflix APIs, or Big Data mining technologies such as Hadoop, ideally within an agile, minimally bureaucratic, and highly collaborative environment.

Currently, the professional is transitioning to Cloud computing, anticipating significant growth and advancements in the field.

Their technical expertise spans a wide range of technologies and tools, including but not limited to:

- Persistence APIs like JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, Spring JDBC, Spring Data, and Kodo
- Web frameworks such as JSF, Tomahawk, Richfaces, Primefaces, Struts + Tiles, and Spring MVC
- Comprehensive experience with WebServices including WSDL, XML, XSD, SOAP, RESTful, Swagger, and GraphQL
- Database management across platforms like Oracle, MS-SQLServer, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Informix, MongoDB (NoSQL), SQLite, LocalStorage, Redis, and ElasticSearch
- Mobile development capabilities using IONIC (Cordova + Angular), Android, ReactNative, and J2ME
- Proficiency with Web Servers such as Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish, Jetty, and Websphere
- Version control systems expertise in GIT, CVS, SVN, SourceSafe, ClearCase, and Starteam
- Front-end technologies including Html, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, ReactJs, and Vue
- Big Data processing knowledge including Hadoop FS, MapReduce, and Cloudera Distribution
- DevOps tools such as Jenkins, Linux, Consul, Grafana, Elastic, Graphite, Docker, Kibana, Openshift, and NewRelic
- Cloud services experience particularly with AWS (S3 Buckets, Lambda, SQS, ELB, and CloudWatch), OCI, OIC, Vault, and Sensedia
- Familiarity with authentication mechanisms like JWT Token and OAuth
- Additional technologies like Yarn, Npm, NodeJs, Express, Koa, and Nest.js

This versatile skill set positions the professional as a strong candidate for transformational roles in innovative technological environments.

  • Techlead
    12/1/2021 - 1/1/2024

    Spearheaded the planning, development, and execution of new client system requirements, focusing on API management and integration with partner systems. Acted as TechLead for two distinct product squads. Utilized tools such as Jira, Workspace, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Slack, Notion, and to facilitate project management and collaboration. Leveraged technical expertise in Java and Springboot, including various Spring Modules such as Data-JPA, Web, IoC, and Test. Worked extensively with Swagger for API documentation, Git for version control, Maven and Gradle for project build automation, and Kafka for real-time data streaming. Ensured robust database management with Oracle. Developed and maintained RESTful APIs, enforced code quality with SonarLint, and orchestrated CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins.

  • Senior Java Software Engineer
    4/1/2021 - 11/1/2021

    Leveraged extensive experience in Java and Spring Boot to develop a minimum viable product (MVP) for a client's web platform. Utilized Spring Modules such as Data-JPA, Security, Web, IoC, and Test to enhance functionality and performance. Employed a microservices architecture configured in the cloud to ensure scalability and resilience. Demonstrated expertise in API management using WSO2 and facilitated real-time data processing with Kafka and Redis.

    Handled batch processes and utilized Swagger and GraphQL for API documentation and data querying. Maintained code quality and collaboration through Git and GitLab, while ensuring project management and agile processes using Jira and Confluence. Performed unit testing and mock testing with Junit and Mockito, and continuously improved code quality through SonarLint analysis.

    Developed frontend components using Angular and managed build processes with Maven. Managed database functionality and integrity with PostgreSQL and created RESTful APIs to support application interoperability. Facilitated team communication and project coordination through Microsoft Teams.

  • Solutions Architect
    8/1/2018 - 3/1/2021

    Developed proficiency in creating a comprehensive code style guide to standardize company applications, ensuring consistency and readability across various projects. Defined API writing standards, establishing clear guidelines for API development. Maintained ongoing updates for squads on approved and available technologies, fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Ensured the quality, performance, and security of deliverables through rigorous adherence to the GMUD process, and implemented Sonar + Quality Gate for automated code quality assessments. Achieved high test coverage to mitigate risks and enhance the reliability of software products.

  • Full-Stack Developer
    12/2/2016 - 8/1/2018

    Contributed to the development of new components for a web-based CRM platform, tailoring customizations according to each client's business rules. Responsible for deploying applications, conducting code reviews, and adhering to the Kanban methodology for agile development. Developed proficiency in using tools such as Confluence, Jira, Bitbucket (Git), Bamboo, Sonar, and Nexus. Demonstrated expertise in a variety of technologies including Java EE/SE, Jdk8 (Nashorn), JBoss, Tomcat, SOAP and REST Webservices, Struts 1, JDBC, Hibernate, JPA, Git, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, Spring (AOP, IoC, Web), Maven, Oracle, and SQL Server.

  • IT Consultant - Software Architect
    12/2/2014 - 3/2/2015

    Responsible for the development of a new web platform for pharmaceutical product pricing. Designed and implemented the application architecture, ensured effective hosting solutions, and modeled NoSQL databases for optimal performance. Managed distribution licenses within the platform. Key technical features included a single-page view, single login per active session, integrated module services, and a SaaS model. Developed expertise in JDK 1.7, Spring MVC, Spring Security, Angular, and jQuery. Utilized HTML5 and CSS3 for front-end development, while leveraging MongoDB for data storage. Employed Spring IOC for dependency injection and Tomcat 7 for application deployment. Ensured collaborative code management and version control using Git.

  • TechTeam Lead, Full-stack Developer
    5/2/2013 - 11/2/2016

    Responsible for the development of new components within the web platform managing the company's project management. Functioned as the technical leader for a geographically distributed team, with stakeholders in Spain, architecture team in Germany, and development centralized in Brazil. Led team collaboration efforts, providing mentorship and encouraging the inclusion of unit tests in legacy projects. Motivated the team to learn and integrate new technologies, ensuring alignment with client objectives. Assisted the HR team with technical interviews and served as one of the instructors for training new developers and trainees.

    Developed proficiency in Java EE/SE, Jboss, Tomcat, and Kodo. Extensive experience with Webservices SOAP/Rest, Struts 1, Tiles, Taglib, and SVN. Demonstrated skills in utilizing LDAPServices, consuming Sharepoint WS, and expertise in HTML5, Spring, Maven, Log, QuartzScheduler. Broad knowledge of frontend frameworks including Angular2 and Node.js, as well as build tools like Gulp. Proficient in database management with Sybase and Oracle, and operated within Linux environments.

  • Development Analyst
    12/2/2012 - 5/2/2013

    Developed new components within an ERP system, ensuring seamless integrations between partners for loyalty campaigns. Utilized technologies such as Java EE/SE, Jboss 6.1, Hibernate 3, JPA2, JAX-WS for WebServices, and Spring 2.5. Demonstrated expertise in PostgreSQL for database management, and leveraged tools like Junit for testing, Maven for project management, and SVN for version control.

  • Development Analyst
    9/2/2012 - 11/2/2012

    Delivered new SOAP services for the Bovespa (B3) integration API adhering to the Contract-First specification. Developed proficiency in Java, effectively utilizing JBoss for application server requirements and Hibernate along with JPA for object-relational mapping. Gained extensive experience in WebServices frameworks, including Contract-First methodologies, WSDL, JAXB, XML, and XSD. Leveraged EJB3 for building robust enterprise applications and managed database tasks using Oracle. Applied unit testing frameworks such as JUnit to ensure code quality, and handled project dependencies with Maven. Ensured version control and collaborative development through ClearCase.

  • Java Consultant
    3/2/2012 - 8/2/2012

    Developed new components for over 30 applications integral to the client's logistical processes. Gained expertise in Java EE, Spring, and Tomcat, while also extensively working with JBoss, Servlets, and EJB. Utilized ZK framework, SQLServer, and Hibernate for database interactions, complimented by JPA and JDBC. Leveraged Struts for web application development and implemented WebServices. Ensured robust application performance using Log4j and conducted unit testing with JUnit. Managed code versioning and collaborative development through CVS.

  • Java Consultant
    11/2/2011 - 3/2/2012

    Responsible for the development, support, and construction of new software components along with the validation of deliveries from various suppliers. Gained proficiency in JavaEE, Spring, JSF, AWB, RichFaces, TomaHawk, Struts, WebServices, EJB, Hibernate, and JTA. Leveraged Oracle databases and utilized SourceSafe for version control. Regularly employed Eclipse IDE for software development tasks.

  • Java Consultant
    8/2/2011 - 11/2/2011

    Led the development of the mobile number portability project, collaborating closely with the client to create comprehensive technical manuals and detailed test plans. Gained extensive experience with Java, Hibernate, and Spring frameworks, along with Struts and JSF. Utilized JBoss server for deployment and managed data with Oracle databases. Implemented WebServices for seamless integration and communication between systems.

  • Development Analyst
    2/2/2011 - 8/2/2011

    Responsible for the development of innovative Java solutions tailored to various campaign requirements. This role also entailed maintaining the ERP system, as well as designing and enhancing new modules to improve system functionality. Technologies utilized included Java, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, and Tomcat, with backend database management handled through MySQL. The role incorporated the use of WebServices for improved inter-system communication and front-end development employing jQuery and CSS Tabless. Proficient in designing and modeling software architecture with UML, among other industry-standard tools and frameworks.

  • Programmer
    8/2/2010 - 2/2/2011

    Developed new features for an on-premise web system tailored to the healthcare sector. Gained extensive expertise in Java, Hibernate, Spring, and Struts, as well as proficiency in Swing, Servlets, and WebServices. Utilized Tomcat and JBoss for application deployment and management. Worked extensively with MS-SQL Server for database management, and integrated legacy systems through mainframe technologies and FDDB.

  • System Analyst
    8/2/2008 - 8/2/2010

    Developed, implemented, supported, and maintained a web system for vehicle tracking. Gained proficiency in Java 1.5 using Eclipse, WSAD, Tomcat, Jboss, and Jetty. Utilized Hibernate and Nhibernate for object-relational mapping and managed web services and batch processes efficiently. Demonstrated competency in building user interfaces with Swing and .Net C# with Visual Studio 2008. Worked extensively with databases such as Oracle 9i & 10g and Informix, ensuring robust and reliable data management.

  • BI Trainee
    3/2/2007 - 8/2/2008

    Spearheaded the extraction of reports leveraging Database and Excel Cube, implementing procedures and designing comprehensive reports. Utilized SourceSafe for version control and employed MS SqlServer for database management. Excel was used extensively for data manipulation and analysis, while Visual Studio was the primary tool for development and integration tasks.

  • Support Analyst
    11/2/2004 - 2/2/2007

    Oversaw the implementation and configuration of the company's ERP system, ensuring smooth setup and operation. Managed the registration of new users and provided ongoing application support to maintain system efficiency. Conducted comprehensive training sessions to equip staff with the necessary skills to utilize the ERP system effectively. Developed expertise in Tecfood (ERP) and demonstrated strong proficiency in MS SQL Server for database management and user support functionalities.

  • Expertise in Java Systems Development at Anchieta University
    2011 - 2012

  • Solutions Architecture at FIAP
    2020 - 2021

  • Computer Science at Uninove - July Ninth University
    2005 - 2008

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