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Nakivo Backup & Replication

Nakivo Backup & Replication is a data protection solution for virtualized and cloud environments. The software offers image-based backup, replication, and recovery across multiple platforms including VMware, Hyper-V, AWS EC2. It provides features such as incremental backups to save storage space and reduce network usage while providing site recovery options through the use of backup validation with screenshots or logs that can be used for fine-tuning disaster recovery strategies.
The tool also includes job chaining, global data deduplication across all backup repositories, instant object recovery for files and application objects (such as Exchange items), instant VM recovery allowing users to restore entire VMs quickly without restoring from full backups. Additionally it supports various storage solutions like NFS, CIFS shares or local/remote SAN devices.
Nakivo is designed to balance ease-of-use with advanced functionalities suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises needing data protection for their virtual environments.

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