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PL-11 is a programming language developed in the 1970s as an alternative to COBOL, FORTRAN, ALGOL, Pascal, and its predecessor PL/I. It aimed to combine the best features of these languages while ensuring backward compatibility with PL/I for systems and application software development. Although it didn’t widely catch on, PL-11 had a considerable influence on later programming language designs.

Created by a team of developers to address the needs and challenges faced by programmers of that era, PL-11 was engineered to be versatile for both systems and application software. It combined attributes from existing languages like COBOL’s business data processing capabilities, FORTRAN's scientific computation prowess, ALGOL’s algorithmic efficiency, and Pascal's structured programming approach. Despite not achieving widespread adoption compared to more dominant languages such as C or even newer iterations of PL/I, it contributed significantly to advancements in subsequent language design principles.

The competition between PL-11 and other languages like C revolved around differing design philosophies—C prioritized efficiency and portability with its low-level capabilities while later versions of PL/I continued evolving with new standards. These differences shaped their competitive landscape based on project-specific needs. Nonetheless, PL-11's unique blend of features from multiple established languages provided an edge in maintainability and versatility in handling diverse projects. Its innovative approaches fostered lasting impacts on future programming languages’ evolution by addressing comprehensive requirements across various domains within software development.

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