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ACUCOBOL-GT (Acu) is a high-level programming language tailored for business applications, enabling developers to create COBOL-based applications across multiple platforms like Windows, .NET, and Java. This language optimizes performance by allowing the construction of native code applications without needing middleware or emulation layers. With its graphical development tools, Acu facilitates rapid application design, robust code generation, debugging processes, and seamless integration with other enterprise technologies.

Developed by Micro Focus, ACUCOBOL-GT stands out in the field of COBOL programming solutions due to its powerful toolset aimed at modernizing enterprise applications. Its capabilities include seamless integration across various platforms and an advanced suite of graphical development tools that support efficient application design and deployment. These features make ACUCOBOL-GT a preferred choice for businesses looking to leverage COBOL programming while addressing the evolving demands for high-performance native code applications within diverse technology environments.

Despite facing competition from other COBOL solutions like Micro Focus Visual COBOL, IBM Enterprise COBOL, GT Software Ivory Suite, and Raincode Legacy Compiler, ACUCOBOL-GT distinguishes itself through unique advantages. It allows developers to build native code applications efficiently without relying on middleware or emulation layers which enhances both performance and reliability. Additionally, its comprehensive graphical development tools offer support for rapid application design and advanced debugging functionalities which streamline software development processes in enterprise settings. These competitive edges position ACUCOBOL-GT as a versatile solution ideal for businesses aiming to modernize their software infrastructure effectively.

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