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AL is a domain-specific programming language developed by Microsoft, tailored for financial modeling and integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. It enables users to create custom models through code, defining unique functions and expressions that are not typically found in standard database engines or query languages. This design supports the efficient management of business processes within large enterprises, particularly those involving complex transactions and service-oriented architectures.

As a specialized tool, AL offers features such as custom model definition via coding, providing more flexibility compared to general-purpose programming languages like Python or R. Its integration with Dynamics 365 enhances the platform's capabilities for managing extensive business operations and financial processes. This specialization makes it an advantageous choice for users within this ecosystem, offering tailored solutions that general-purpose languages may not provide.

The language targets professionals involved in financial modeling and business process management within large-scale enterprises. These include financial analysts, business managers, and others dealing with complex transactions who benefit from advanced modeling capabilities offered by AL. The ability to integrate seamlessly into the Dynamics platform ensures that AL meets specific organizational needs efficiently while maintaining a high level of granularity and control over financial processes.

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