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bc is a versatile programming language and calculator supporting arbitrary precision arithmetic, commonly found in Unix-like operating systems. It handles integers, floating-point numbers, strings, and uses infix notation for high precision arithmetic. The tool can execute conditional statements, loops, functions, and manage input/output operations through system calls or text files.

Created by Robert Morris and Lorinda Cherry at Bell Labs in the early 1970s, bc was developed with Morris focusing on implementation and infrastructure while Cherry handled user interface and documentation. Bell Labs' innovative environment facilitated the creation of numerous influential computing tools including bc which significantly contributed to advancements in computer science.

bc's primary function revolves around providing a programming language specializing in precise arithmetic calculations involving large numbers of fractional digits. Its features include supporting various data types, executing complex constructs such as loops and functions while maintaining integration with Unix-like systems. Despite competition from tools like Python (with NumPy and SymPy), MATLAB, Mathematica, GNU Octave, and SageMath; bc's unique focus on precision arithmetic using infix notation along with its lightweight design makes it a valuable tool for users needing accurate results without the complexity of more comprehensive numerical computing environments.

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