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Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end framework for creating responsive, mobile-first websites and web applications. It offers pre-designed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components to facilitate development while ensuring cross-browser consistency. The framework employs a 12-column grid system to help developers create complex layouts effortlessly. Bootstrap was introduced in 2011 by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter and has since gained immense popularity among web developers for its accessibility and compatibility across various platforms.

Bootstrap's standout feature is its 12-column grid system that simplifies the creation of flexible layouts. It also provides a suite of pre-designed components such as navigation bars, dropdowns, modals, and carousels to streamline the development process. The inclusion of responsive design utilities allows developers to build websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. These features collectively make Bootstrap a versatile tool favored by developers aiming for modern and efficient web projects.

In the competitive landscape, frameworks like Foundation emphasize a mobile-first approach with modular systems for building responsive designs. Materialize focuses on Google's Material Design principles for visually appealing interfaces, while Bulma offers simplicity with extensive customization options through its lightweight CSS framework. Semantic UI stands out with intuitive naming conventions that ease understanding and usage of its components. Each competitor caters to specific developer needs, providing alternatives based on project requirements and design preferences.

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