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Church is an untyped programming language with a pure λ-calculus core and an accompanying macro system, conceptualized by Michael Vanier in 2006. It employs Church numerals for number representation and supports higher-order functions, adhering to functional programming paradigms. Primarily designed for educational purposes rather than practical use, Church emphasizes computation theory principles and the expressive capabilities of minimalistic constructs, encouraging algorithm development based on λ-calculus principles.

Vanier created Church during his lectures on computability at Stanford University as a tool to teach fundamental concepts of computation theory. By leveraging the power of λ-calculus and higher-order functions exemplified in functional programming languages, he aimed to illustrate the theoretical underpinnings of computer science. The name "Church" honors logician Alonzo Church, reflecting its foundation in mathematical logic and theoretical computer science.

Church's unique attributes include its core reliance on λ-calculus, use of Church numerals for number representation, and emphasis on higher-order functions typical in functional programming languages. These features distinguish it from mainstream programming languages focused on practical applications like Python or Java. Instead, it serves as an educational instrument emphasizing minimalistic yet powerful constructs rooted in computation theory. This makes it particularly valuable for students and educators seeking a deeper understanding of theoretical computer science through hands-on exploration of simplified computational models.

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