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Citavi is a reference management software created by Swiss Academic Software, based in Wädenswil, Switzerland. Established in 1988, the company specializes in developing tools to enhance knowledge management and research productivity for academics, researchers, and students. Citavi enables users to collect, organize, and annotate citations from various sources such as articles, books, and websites. It also offers features for storing ideas, project planning, and writing activities—supporting multiple citation styles and automatically generating bibliographies based on stored references.

Citavi's standout feature is its integration of reference management with idea organization and project planning within one platform. It provides tools for collecting citations, annotating texts, storing ideas alongside references, structuring work through Projects and Knowledge Organizers, and managing tasks using Task Planners. The user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation while supporting various citation styles and automatic bibliography generation. Citavi facilitates collaboration among researchers by offering a comprehensive approach that streamlines the entire research process from source discovery to paper drafting.

Competitors of Citavi include EndNote, Zotero, Mendeley, and RefWorks; each providing features for managing citations but differing in strengths and user bases. Citavi differentiates itself through its emphasis on integrating reference management with idea organization and project planning within one cohesive platform tailored specifically for academic research needs. Its support for various citation styles along with features like automatic bibliography generation set it apart from competitors while catering to academic researchers who need an all-in-one solution for efficient knowledge management throughout their scholarly work.

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