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Clojure is a modern, dynamic, and functional Lisp dialect designed for concurrency. It operates on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), Microsoft's Common Language Runtime (CLR), and JavaScript engines. Created by Rich Hickey, Clojure emphasizes simplicity and immutability, promoting pure functions to enhance testing and program reasoning. Its built-in support for concurrent programming allows real-time processing of large datasets. It caters to domains like finance, e-commerce, and big data analysis with an expressive syntax and performance optimizations through lazy sequences and persistent data structures.

Clojure stands out due to its unique features such as immutability and simplicity in design while promoting pure functions devoid of side effects. This results in easier testing and reasoning about programs. The language offers built-in support for handling concurrency which enables real-time processing of large data sets—a significant advantage in various industries including finance, e-commerce, and big data analysis. Furthermore, its ability to run on JVM, CLR, and JavaScript engines adds to its versatility as a programming language.

Compared to competitors like Haskell, Scala, and Erlang—which emphasize strong typing purity or blend functional with object-oriented paradigms or focus on fault tolerance—Clojure maintains a practical approach centering on simplicity, immutability, and concurrency. Its performance optimizations make it appealing for applications requiring high performance in fields that demand real-time data processing capabilities. As a versatile language capable of leveraging existing infrastructure across multiple platforms while providing robust solutions for complex computational problems like those found in finance or big data analytics domains—Clojure stands out uniquely among modern functional programming languages.

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