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"Common Lisp the Language (CLtL)" is a foundational book and reference manual for Common Lisp, authored by Guy L. Steele Jr. It was instrumental in the standardization process of Common Lisp during a period when various Lisp dialects were converging into what would eventually be known as Common Lisp. Accumulating material until May 1984, CLtL was crucial for meetings discussing the language's forthcoming standardization, thus serving as a pivotal resource.

Guy L. Steele Jr., a key figure in the Lisp community, authored "Common Lisp the Language (CLtL)" and significantly contributed to shaping and steering Common Lisp towards standardization. The publication of CLtL1 in 1984 marked an important milestone by documenting and consolidating features from various dialects into a unified language. This comprehensive overview helped establish a common foundation for subsequent discussions on standardizing the language, leading to later editions and culminating in the ANSI Common Lisp Standard in 1994.

Distinctive features introduced by "Common Lisp the Language (CLtL)" played an essential role in evolving and standardizing Common Lisp. Through its thorough documentation and detailed reference guide, CLtL standardized diverse dialects into a coherent system while incorporating innovative ideas that shaped future editions of the language's standards. This comprehensive design allowed Common Lisp to support complex systems development, artificial intelligence, symbolic computation, and other high-level applications effectively. Thus, facilitated by resources like CLtL, Common Lisp successfully solidified its position within both competitive programming languages like Scheme—with its emphasis on simplicity—allowing it to become widely adopted within various domains of programming communities.

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