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CLU, an object-oriented programming language developed at MIT, was pivotal in emphasizing data abstraction. Led by Dr. Barbara Liskov, the team aimed to create a language that facilitated software development by organizing code around abstract data concepts. CLU introduced clusters for defining abstract types and iterators for traversing collection elements, alongside advanced features such as exception handling and coroutine constructs for concurrent programming. These innovations laid the groundwork for structuring programs based on abstract types and significantly influenced later languages like C++ and Java.

At its inception, CLU faced competition from Simula, Smalltalk, and Ada. While Simula also emphasized objects and class hierarchies and Smalltalk offered dynamic object-oriented capabilities akin to CLU's approach, Ada was designed with structured programming in mind targeting embedded systems. Each competitor had a distinct niche; however, CLU's unique emphasis on data abstraction through clusters set it apart by providing a robust framework for program organization centered around abstract data concepts. Additionally, its innovative use of iterators for collection traversal, exception handling mechanisms, and coroutine constructs offered versatility that many other languages did not possess at that time.

The competitive advantages of CLU were largely attributed to these pioneering features which emphasized higher levels of program organization and efficiency through data abstraction principles. Its influence extended beyond its immediate usage among software developers interested in object-oriented design practices; it left an indelible mark on subsequent languages like C++ and Java due to its advanced handling of error management and concurrency issues alongside effective manipulation of complex data structures. Thus, CLU not only stood out among contemporaries but also shaped modern software development practices significantly through its innovative design principles.

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