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Coldfusion Markup Language

ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) was created by the Allaire Corporation in the mid-90s, later absorbed by Macromedia and eventually Adobe, which now maintains it. CFML is an XML-based language specifically for server-side scripting within the ColdFusion application server environment, closely resembling HTML in structure but enabling complex functionalities like database interactions, session management, and file operations via embedded scripting elements. The language aims to simplify web development through intuitive tags that streamline integrating layout components and dynamic content sources.

ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) is unique due to its blend of XML-like structure with server-side scripting elements. This combination allows developers to execute tasks such as database interactions and session management effortlessly while maintaining an HTML-like syntax familiar to many web developers. Its design focuses on facilitating dynamic web applications more straightforwardly than languages like Perl or PHP, offering a balance between functionality and ease of use.

Despite competition from other server-side languages like PHP, ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js—each bringing distinct benefits—CFML stands out for its user-friendly features. Its XML-based syntax simplifies learning curves for those familiar with HTML while enhancing productivity through intuitive tags for common server-side tasks. Emphasizing integration ease with layout components and dynamic content sources positions CFML as a compelling option for developers seeking an efficient solution for creating interactive web applications without unnecessary complexity.

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