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Control Language

Control Language (CL) is a scripting language used on IBM's z/OS operating system to generate job control language (JCL) statements for defining and running batch jobs. It facilitates tasks such as executing programs, data set management, and system operations. Designed by IBM, CL aims to simplify the creation and execution of these statements, making mainframe systems more accessible and navigable for administrators.

CL’s primary distinction lies in its simplicity and user-friendly design compared to traditional JCL. This makes it easier for users to create job control statements and manage batch jobs on the z/OS platform efficiently. Its intuitive design focuses on usability, allowing administrators to perform tasks like running programs and managing data sets with greater ease, which enhances their capability in handling mainframe operations.

While JCL remains the established language for job control on z/OS, CL provides a more accessible alternative by reducing complexity. Both languages serve similar purposes but differ significantly in terms of ease of use; CL’s straightforward approach helps users interact with mainframe systems more effectively. By simplifying job control processes, CL increases productivity and efficiency for those managing batch jobs within IBM's z/OS environment.

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