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Coq is a formal theorem-proving language and system that facilitates defining functions and predicates, and verifying their properties in a machine-checkable way. Developed in the late 1980s by Thierry Coquand and Gérard Huet at INRIA, it integrates programming with interactive theorem proving. Built on the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, Coq's expressive type systems enable direct representation of complex mathematical concepts, ensuring robust program verification with strong correctness guarantees. It supports academic research in formal methods and finds applications in industries demanding stringent software correctness.

Coq offers unique features like seamless integration of programming and interactive theorem proving, allowing users to define functions, predicates, and proofs within one platform. This approach uses the Calculus of Inductive Constructions to model intricate mathematical notions directly, facilitating non-trivial program verification. Its machine-checkable proofs provide high assurance levels crucial for critical applications. Despite competition from systems like Isabelle/HOL, Agda, Lean, and HOL Light—each known for particular strengths such as automation or dependent types—Coq maintains its relevance due to its comprehensive capabilities and widespread adoption.

The versatility of Coq serves a broad user base including researchers conducting formal methods research, academics teaching interactive theorem proving techniques, software developers verifying critical components for correctness assurances in sectors like aerospace or healthcare, and students learning about formal verification. By offering precise machine-checkable proofs within an integrated environment that combines programming with theorem proving capabilities, Coq stands out as a powerful tool for anyone requiring rigorous verification mechanisms ensuring reliability across various domains.

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