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Django is an open-source web application framework developed to streamline the creation of server-side web applications using Python. It adheres to the model-view-template architectural pattern, which helps separate concerns and encourages reusability in software development. Django's "batteries-included" philosophy means it provides essential functionalities like authentication, URL routing, ORM, form handling, and templating engines right out of the box. This approach not only simplifies the development process but also maintains best practices in code organization. Additionally, Django's ecosystem of packages known as "Django apps" allows developers to extend functionalities across different projects without starting from scratch each time.

Django was originally created by Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison at the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in Kansas to expedite web application development while ensuring maintainability and reusability. Released as an open-source project in 2005, Django quickly gained traction due to its efficient design principles and comprehensive feature set. Among its unique features are a built-in administrative interface that automates CRUD interface generation based on models, an object-relational mapping (ORM) system that abstracts database interactions, simplifying schema migrations and database management. Moreover, Django emphasizes secure development by incorporating mechanisms to prevent common security threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

Competitors such as Ruby on Rails, Laravel (PHP), Flask (Python), and Express.js (Node.js) offer various strengths appealing to different developer preferences and project requirements. However, Django distinguishes itself through its extensive feature set provided out-of-the-box without heavy reliance on external libraries or extensions. This includes automated backend management via Django Admin interfaces based on project models and robust security measures against common vulnerabilities. The framework's extensibility through "Django apps" allows for efficient addition of custom functionalities without reinventing core elements. These characteristics collectively make Django a versatile choice for developers looking for a secure, efficient framework suitable for both beginners learning web development principles and professionals developing complex applications rapidly.

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