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Emerald is an object-oriented programming language designed for building distributed systems and applications. Developed in the 1980s as part of the Emerald Project at the University of Washington, it focuses on enabling complex interactions among independently executing objects with built-in support for distribution, fault-tolerance, and heterogeneity at the language level. Communication between its distributed objects is facilitated through asynchronous message passing.

Key figures in Emerald's development include Andrew Black, Norman Hutchinson, Eric Jul, and others who contributed to its design. Their aim was to address challenges associated with building distributed systems by integrating mechanisms for distribution, fault-tolerance, and heterogeneity directly into the language. This approach contrasts with relying on external libraries or frameworks and emphasizes efficient coordination through asynchronous communication. Although primarily a research tool rather than a commercial product, Emerald has influenced later languages like Java and C# by introducing innovative concepts in distributed computing.

Emerald stands out compared to competitors like Java and C#, which are more prevalent in commercial settings but often rely on external libraries for similar functionalities. By embedding essential features within the language itself, Emerald simplifies development processes while enhancing system reliability and flexibility. Its focus on asynchronous message passing improves performance and scalability in complex environments. While Java and C# offer robust support for distributed applications through their respective platforms (JVM for Java; .NET framework for C#), Emerald's intrinsic design aims specifically at tackling challenges unique to distributed computing environments—making it a specialized tool ideal for researchers exploring advanced distributed system designs.

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