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Erply is a cloud-based point of sale software designed for retailers and small businesses, providing functionalities such as inventory management, customer relationship management, e-commerce integration, and employee performance tracking. It also offers real-time reports to aid in decision-making regarding purchasing, promotions, and vendor relationships. The platform supports hardware like barcode scanners and receipt printers while ensuring data security through automatic cloud backups.

The software was created in 2009 by Kristjan Hiiemaa and Johan Vendelin with the goal of offering a comprehensive solution to streamline retail operations. Erply's cloud-based infrastructure allows for easy access to data from any location, offering flexibility and convenience to users. Its robust inventory management system combined with real-time reporting capabilities helps in data-driven decision-making. E-commerce integration facilitates seamless connections between online and in-store operations, enhancing the omnichannel experience for customers.

Erply faces competition from other providers like Shopify POS, Lightspeed Retail, Vend, and Square Point of Sale. These competitors offer similar features tailored for retail businesses but stand out with unique selling points such as specific e-commerce integrations or specialized hardware support. However, Erply distinguishes itself through its comprehensive feature set within a secure cloud environment. This includes inventory management, CRM capabilities, e-commerce integration alongside employee performance tracking—all aimed at simplifying retail business management processes while enhancing efficiency through flexible accessibility and robust data protection measures like automatic backups.

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