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Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js that simplifies the process of building single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications by abstracting away complexity while still providing access to powerful features when needed. Its middleware architecture allows efficient request and response handling, enabling developers to create web applications more rapidly with less code compared to native Node.js methods. The unopinionated philosophy grants developers flexibility in defining project structure while requiring adherence to best practices for increased responsibility.

Express.js was initially released by TJ Holowaychuk in 2010 and quickly gained popularity due to its simplicity, flexibility, and robust features. It became one of the most widely used web application frameworks for Node.js, thanks in part to its minimalistic design and powerful middleware system. This framework's appeal is further enhanced by its standardization as the server framework for Node.js, making it a trusted choice among developers.

Competitors like Koa, Hapi, and Sails.js offer their own unique advantages; Koa focuses on modern JavaScript features like async/await with a modular design; Hapi emphasizes configuration-centric development ideal for APIs; Sails.js provides built-in support for real-time features like WebSockets. Despite these options, Express stands out due to its flexibility in project structuring and user-friendly abstraction of complexity. It caters broadly from beginners seeking ease of use to experienced developers who value its customizable middleware system and rapid development capabilities.

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