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Haml, designed by David Heinemeier Hansson, is a template engine that compiles to HTML, aiming to clean up and simplify markup code through the use of indentation rather than traditional opening and closing tags. This innovation results in more concise and well-formatted syntax, reducing verbosity and enhancing readability. By streamlining the markup process, Haml helps developers write cleaner HTML content more efficiently.

Haml stands out with several unique features that differentiate it from traditional markup languages like XML or HTML. These features include its concise syntax which uses indentation instead of tags, supports embedded Ruby code for dynamic content creation, and reduces verbosity for quicker and more accurate coding. Some of its competitors in the template engine space include ERB (Embedded Ruby), Slim, and Pug (formerly Jade), each offering their own strengths such as familiarity with Ruby on Rails (ERB), readability (Slim), or compatibility with JavaScript-based frameworks like Node.js (Pug).

Despite competition from engines like ERB, Slim, and Pug which have their appeal based on specific developer preferences or project needs, Haml's focus on reducing verbosity while improving readability makes it particularly compelling. It distinguishes itself by promoting cleaner templates through indentation-based syntax and supporting dynamic content via embedded Ruby code. Consequently, Haml is especially beneficial for web developers working within Ruby on Rails applications who seek a streamlined approach to writing HTML templates that are easy to maintain and clear in structure.

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