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Haskell is a statically typed, purely functional programming language known for its strong type system and lazy evaluation. It is used for academic research, teaching, and industrial applications, emphasizing immutability and high-level abstractions to facilitate concise and correct code.

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Programming Languages

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About Haskell

Haskell was created in 1990 by a committee of researchers to consolidate and standardize functional programming languages. It aimed to provide a stable foundation for teaching, research, and application development in functional programming. The language was named after the logician Haskell Curry.

Haskell's strengths include strong type safety, lazy evaluation, and powerful abstractions, which lead to concise and correct code. Its weaknesses are a steep learning curve, slower performance in some cases due to laziness, and limited library support compared to more mainstream languages. Competitors include Scala, F#, and OCaml.

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How to hire a Haskell expert

A Haskell expert must have deep knowledge of functional programming concepts, proficiency in Haskell's syntax and type system, experience with monads and other advanced abstractions, familiarity with lazy evaluation, and the ability to write and optimize efficient Haskell code. They should also be skilled in using Haskell's ecosystem tools like GHC, Cabal, and Stack.

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