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Janet is a versatile programming language combining functional and imperative styles, designed for easy embedding and extending. It features support for macros and just-in-time (JIT) compilation through the Janet VM, allowing dynamic data manipulation without needing prior compilation. Inspired by Lisp, Clojure, Lua, and JavaScript, Janet includes simple concurrency primitives like OS threads and message passing over channels. Its robust standard library supports diverse tasks such as file I/O, network communication, configuration management, and server-side scripting for web development.

Created by Calvin Rose and maintained as an open-source project under the MIT license, Janet encourages community contributions to enhance its capabilities. The language's syntax allows expressive code manipulation with first-class functions and pattern matching constructs. This makes it suitable for a wide range of projects from small scripts to performance-intensive applications in gaming or web development.

Janet competes with languages like Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, and Rust by offering a unique blend of functional and imperative programming features. While Python is known for readability and versatility; JavaScript dominates front-end web development; Ruby emphasizes developer happiness; Go specializes in concurrency; Rust focuses on safety in systems programming—Janet distinguishes itself through embedding flexibility and dynamic data manipulation capabilities provided via macros and JIT compilation. Its open-source nature under the MIT license fosters community-driven enhancements making it adaptable for various project domains requiring efficient concurrent operations or performance-critical tasks.

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