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Jesta is a programming language designed for the Jesta Digital Prototyping Platform, facilitating the development of applications for digital systems like smart products and industrial systems before their final production. It supports high-level constructs such as classes, modules, and interfaces akin to modern programming languages, enabling rapid prototyping and real-time design simulation. As it integrates seamlessly with various software frameworks, Jesta simplifies the creation of IoT applications.

Jesta's development was spearheaded by a team of engineers and software developers within the company that created the platform. The individuals behind its innovation may vary based on organizational structure and internal development teams dedicated to this technological advancement.

In comparison to competitors like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and LabVIEW—platforms known for hardware prototyping in IoT applications or industrial automation—Jesta stands out with its focus on software rapid prototyping and real-time simulation. Its high-level programming capabilities allow designers to quickly iterate designs efficiently while maintaining versatility through seamless integration with existing frameworks. This specialized approach positions Jesta as an exceptional tool for professionals seeking efficient solutions for developing digital systems dynamically in a virtual environment.

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