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JOSS (Johnniac Open Shop System) was developed by J. Clifford Shaw at the RAND Corporation in the early 1960s for the JOHNNIAC computer system. It featured English-like syntax and an online help system, allowing interactive programming without compiling and linking code. This made programming more accessible to non-professional users, a significant innovation intended to lower entry barriers in computing technology. The language's focus on user accessibility played a role in shaping future user-friendly computing interfaces and educational programming languages.

Unique features of JOSS included its intuitive English-like syntax and integrated online help system that provided real-time assistance while programming. The interactive environment eliminated the need for complex compilation processes, thus enabling immediate code execution and debugging. These aspects collectively aimed at making programming more approachable for users with limited experience, distinguishing JOSS from contemporaneous languages like Fortran and COBOL that were designed for professional scientific computations and business data processing respectively.

JOSS faced competition from specialized languages such as Fortran, used mainly for high-performance scientific calculations, and COBOL, tailored for business applications involving extensive data processing operations. While these languages catered to specific professional needs with their specialized functionalities, JOSS prioritized ease of use to empower non-professionals to engage with computing technology creatively. This focus on user-centric design influenced subsequent development of educational programming tools and user-friendly interfaces by demonstrating that complex tasks can be made accessible through innovative language design choices.

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