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Kotlin is a statically typed programming language developed by JetBrains as a modern alternative to Java, targeting multiple platforms such as the JVM, Android, JavaScript, and native. Officially supported for Android development by Google, Kotlin supports functional programming patterns and offers a concise yet expressive syntax that reduces boilerplate code commonly found in older languages. It was created to maintain interoperability with existing Java codebases while providing advanced features like functions as first-class citizens and lambda expressions.

Kotlin provides several unique features that enhance developer productivity and code quality. These include null safety features to avoid null pointer exceptions, extension functions that add new capabilities to existing classes without inheritance, and seamless interoperability with Java code. Its concise syntax improves readability, making it easier for developers across various domains to write clean and maintainable code. Kotlin's support for functional programming patterns further distinguishes it from other languages by allowing more versatile coding approaches.

The main competitors of Kotlin include Java, Swift, TypeScript, and Scala. Each of these languages has its own strengths tailored to different platforms: Java for the JVM and Android development; Swift for iOS and macOS; TypeScript for web development; and Scala with its similar functional capabilities on the JVM. However, Kotlin stands out due to its seamless interoperability with Java which facilitates migration of existing projects or integration with established libraries without significant rewrites. Additionally, its versatility across multiple platforms including Android development positions it as an attractive choice in the programming landscape suitable for diverse software projects.

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