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LispWorks is a commercial implementation of the Common Lisp programming language, providing a comprehensive development environment specifically designed for developing AI applications. It supports multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris SPARC/x86-64, and ARM architectures for embedded systems. This versatility allows developers to work efficiently in both 32-bit and 64-bit computing environments across various operating systems.

Created by Harlequin Ltd., a software development company founded in the 1980s, LispWorks includes features like an editor with syntax coloring and code completion, a powerful debugger for troubleshooting, and an object inspector for examining data structures. These tools are particularly beneficial for AI developers who require robust support during development. The unique combination of these features sets LispWorks apart from other Common Lisp implementations such as SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp), Clozure CL (formerly known as OpenMCL), Allegro Common Lisp, and ACL2 (A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp).

LispWorks targets developers working on AI applications requiring specialized tools tailored to their needs. Its strong emphasis on facilitating AI application development through advanced editing capabilities, debugging tools, and native support across diverse platforms positions it as a distinctive player among Common Lisp implementations. By offering native support on various platforms including ARM architectures for embedded systems alongside an extensive toolset aimed at boosting productivity and ensuring code quality in AI projects, LispWorks solidifies its status as a premier choice within the domain of AI-focused programming environments.

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