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Marry is a programming language created for educational purposes with a focus on readability and simplicity, serving as an evolution of the educational language Pascal. It emphasizes clear and structured code while supporting object-oriented programming, recursion, and block-structured scope. The design enables it to be approachable for those starting to learn computer programming, making it an ideal choice for beginners.

Marry distinguishes itself by blending the simplicity and readability of Pascal with modern features required for educational programming. Notably, it offers support for object-oriented programming, making it versatile for teaching advanced concepts while retaining compatibility with recursion and block-structured scope. This combination positions Marry as a language that balances ease of understanding with exposure to essential principles, thus facilitating a smooth learning curve.

Despite competition from languages like Scratch, Python, and Java in the realm of educational programming languages, Marry sets itself apart through its specific emphasis on readability and structured coding principles tailored explicitly for beginners. Its deliberate design incorporates features suited to introduce fundamental and advanced concepts clearly. By focusing on providing an accessible learning experience geared towards learners without prior coding experience, Marry serves as a valuable resource for educators looking to build strong foundational skills in computer programming.

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