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Miranda is a purely functional programming language developed in the 1980s at the University of Kent. It introduced features like lazy evaluation by default and non-strict semantics, facilitating work with infinite data structures. Its syntax closely resembles mathematical notations for functions and lists, heavily utilizing pattern matching.

One of Miranda's notable aspects is its default lazy evaluation which allows efficient handling of data structures, including infinite ones. The language's non-strict semantics support this approach, while its syntax is designed to be intuitive for those familiar with mathematical concepts. Pattern matching is extensively used, making it an effective tool for working with complex data structures efficiently.

Haskell emerged as a significant competitor to Miranda, incorporating similar elements like lazy evaluation and non-strict semantics but gaining more popularity due to its extensive ecosystem and active community support. Haskell’s strong type system and emphasis on purity contribute to reliable code development suitable for large-scale projects across various industries. Consequently, Haskell's broader adoption and practical applicability make it a more competitive choice beyond educational settings compared to Miranda’s niche focus on teaching and research.

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