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MODX is an open-source content management software that facilitates the creation of customizable websites without demanding advanced technical skills. Featuring a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, it separates business logic from the user interface, thereby simplifying and streamlining website development. MODX supports various databases including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server, making it adaptable for different project needs. Its extensive library of add-ons and extensions further enhances its functionality, allowing users to create both simple and complex websites tailored to individual or business requirements.

Created by Ryan Thrash, Raymond Irving, and Shaun McCormick in 2004 with the goal of offering flexibility, customization, and ease of use for developers and end-users alike, MODX distinguishes itself through its unique MVC framework. This architecture aids in more efficient development processes while ensuring high flexibility in customizing website features. Despite stiff competition from platforms like WordPress known for user-friendliness, Joomla for extensibility, Drupal for robust security features, and TYPO3 for scalability with multi-language support—MODX's emphasis on separating business logic from UI positions it uniquely within the market.

MODX caters to a broad spectrum of users ranging from individuals to large enterprises looking to build highly customizable websites without extensive technical expertise. Small businesses seeking straightforward online presence can benefit from its user-friendly design whereas larger organizations requiring complex multi-language sites can leverage its scalable nature. The platform’s compatibility with multiple databases offers users freedom in choosing what best fits their project requirements. In essence, MODX stands out due to its balance between customization ease-of-use while maintaining significant scalability options suitable across diverse user needs.

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