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Nickle is an interpreted programming language tailored for numerical computations, offering features similar to C but with a focus on numeric processing. It includes fundamental elements like loops, conditionals, function definitions, arrays, matrices, mathematical functions, and linear algebra operations. The syntax of Nickle is influenced by languages such as AWK, C++, Perl, and Python. While it may not be widely used in industrial settings, Nickle is valuable in educational contexts and scenarios requiring quick numerical computing prototypes without the complexities of lower-level or higher-level scientific computing platforms like MATLAB or R.

Bart Massey created Nickle to address the needs of numerical computations drawing from his expertise in computational mathematics and programming language design. His vision was to develop a tool that combines the power of C-like functionality with efficient numeric computations suitable for educational use and prototyping environments. Nickle's unique features include support for arrays and matrices as core data types and built-in math functions that facilitate complex calculations easily within the language’s syntax framework which has familiarity across multiple other languages.

Nickle differentiates itself from competitors like MATLAB, R, and Python through its specialized focus on numeric computations while maintaining a balance between control seen in lower-level languages like C and simplicity needed for mathematical tasks. Unlike these more general-purpose tools that come with extensive ecosystems but also complexity overheads, Nickle provides a streamlined environment ideal for rapid prototyping or educational purposes where efficient numeric processing is crucial. Its distinct blend inspired by various programming languages offers both familiarity and efficiency making it valuable within specific niches demanding swift yet controlled numerical solutions.

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