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Nmap, short for Network Mapper, is a freely available network scanning tool that uses raw IP packets to map out hosts and services on a computer network. It provides information on available hosts, the services offered by those hosts, and in some cases, even the operating systems running on those hosts. Its utility extends to tasks like inventory management, service updates, and monitoring host or service availability.

Gordon Lyon, also known by his pseudonym "Fyodor Vaskovich," is the original creator of Nmap. He developed Nmap in 1997 and has continued to maintain and update it with support from a dedicated community of developers. Lyon's expertise in network security and commitment to open-source software have been crucial to the success and widespread adoption of Nmap.

Nmap's standout features include its ability to detect hosts and services through raw IP packets, detailed information on live hosts and open ports, various scanning techniques like stealthy SYN scans, comprehensive version detection, scripting engine with an extensive library of scripts for advanced functionalities such as vulnerability detection. Despite facing competition from tools like Masscan (speed-focused), Nessus/OpenVAS (vulnerability assessment), Angry IP Scanner (user-friendly interface), ZMap (fast Internet-wide scanning), Nmap's robust feature set—encompassing detailed host discovery—service enumeration—and cross-platform compatibility make it indispensable for network administrators/security professionals/researchers across diverse environments.

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