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Ntopng is a network traffic monitoring software developed by Luca Deri, which collects real-time data from network devices and presents it through a web-based interface. It supports multiple protocols like NetFlow and sFlow, providing comprehensive statistical analysis and allowing for the monitoring of bandwidth usage patterns across complex corporate networks. The tool is effective for troubleshooting network problems, identifying congestion points, and detecting security breaches.

Several unique features distinguish Ntopng from other network traffic monitoring software. These include real-time data collection, detailed statistical analysis capabilities, support for various protocols such as NetFlow, sFlow, and IPFIX, and the ability to perform packet sniffing. Its focus on troubleshooting issues, pinpointing congestion areas, detecting security threats, and analyzing bandwidth utilization makes it particularly valuable for network administrators and security professionals managing complex corporate networks.

Ntopng faces competition from other tools like Wireshark, SolarWinds Network Performance Monitor, PRTG Network Monitor, Nagios, and Zabbix. However, it sets itself apart with its user-friendly interface that simplifies real-time data collection and display along with advanced statistical analysis capabilities. The continuous development of Ntopng alongside active community support enhances its appeal to users who require a robust solution for comprehensive network traffic monitoring. Ultimately targeting IT managers and system administrators in both small businesses and large enterprises ensures that Ntopng serves as an essential tool in maintaining secure network infrastructures.

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