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Onshape is a cloud-based CAD software developed by Jon Hirschtick and John McEleney, who have extensive backgrounds in the computer-aided design industry, with prior involvement in companies like SolidWorks and PTC. The software enables engineers and designers to create, edit, collaborate on, and manage 3D models across various devices and locations. It includes features such as real-time data management, version control without overwriting files, instant sharing within teams or with external stakeholders like clients or suppliers, parametric modeling tools for defining designs through parameters and constraints, dynamic assembly of parts, and motion studies to simulate component interactions after manufacturing.

The platform stands out due to its fully cloud-based nature which allows for seamless collaboration without the need for software installation on individual machines. This facilitates real-time data management ensuring that all team members access the most up-to-date versions of designs without manual file transfers. Onshape's advanced parametric modeling tools enable efficient design customization while its dynamic assembly features allow users to simulate how components will interact post-manufacture. These capabilities enhance the overall design validation process making Onshape an efficient tool for product development teams aiming to streamline their workflow and increase productivity.

In comparison to competitors like Autodesk Fusion 360, SolidWorks Cloud, and PTC Creo that also offer cloud-based solutions targeting a similar audience in product development sectors; Onshape differentiates itself through its focus on fully cloud-based architecture enabling superior collaboration efficiency. Its automatic version control system ensures continuous access to recent design iterations reducing errors caused by outdated files. Furthermore, Onshape's user-friendly interface supports complex designs quickly facilitating innovation among both novice designers and seasoned engineers alike making it a modern choice for collaborative CAD solutions in product development projects.

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