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Oxygene is a programming language developed by RemObjects Software, supporting Object Pascal syntax tailored for platforms such as the .NET Framework, Cocoa API on macOS and iOS, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and native Windows development through its Elements Oxygene compiler. It is part of the multi-platform Elements toolchain, permitting developers to write applications for different platforms with a shared codebase. This setup streamlines the development process by reducing the need to rewrite code for each specific platform.

Oxygene faces competition from other multi-platform development tools like Xamarin, Flutter, React Native, and Kotlin Multiplatform. These alternatives also offer capabilities for building applications targeting multiple platforms with a shared codebase. Additionally, traditional programming languages such as Java, C#, and Swift remain strong competitors in this space due to their established user bases and specific advantages in the multi-platform development landscape.

Oxygene's competitive advantage lies in its tailored support for Object Pascal syntax across multiple environments including the .NET Framework, Cocoa API on macOS and iOS, JVM, and native Windows development. The comprehensive Elements toolchain further enhances productivity by providing developers with robust tools designed specifically for multi-platform work. These features position Oxygene as an efficient solution for software engineers focused on creating applications that target diverse platforms using a unified codebase.

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