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Pastel is a programming language designed for easy creation of web content, allowing developers to generate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with a syntax that resembles natural language. It caters to non-technical users by simplifying web page creation without requiring deep knowledge of traditional programming languages or frameworks. Employing indentation for structure and supporting interactive client-side elements, it has gained recognition in web development circles for its accessibility in rapidly developing dynamic websites or small applications.

The primary goal behind Pastel's creation was to empower non-technical users to build web pages with minimal effort, bypassing the complexity often associated with traditional programming languages and frameworks. The language's design promotes accessibility and ease of use, attracting attention within web development communities looking for efficient tools for web projects. By utilizing indentation for structure and supporting interactive client-side elements, Pastel enables users to quickly put together dynamic websites or small applications without requiring an extensive programming background.

In contrast to more established languages like JavaScript, Python, and Ruby—which offer robust functionalities and extensive libraries—Pastel differentiates itself through simplicity and user-friendly syntax. While competitors provide a wider range of features catering to diverse needs in the web development landscape, Pastel stands out by offering a straightforward approach that allows non-technical users such as content creators, designers, marketers, and small business owners to create interactive web content effortlessly. This emphasis on ease of use makes Pastel an attractive option for those seeking quick development without deep coding expertise.

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