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Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted programming language designed by Larry Wall in 1987 for text manipulation tasks and report processing. It combines features from various languages and has been widely adopted for web application development, system administration, network programming, and other advanced tasks. The acronym "Practical Extraction and Report Language" reflects its original purpose but it has evolved into a versatile tool with syntax influenced by C and shell scripting languages.

Perl is known for combining characteristics of multiple programming languages, providing flexibility and diverse approaches to problem-solving. Designed around principles such as "easy things should be easy" and the belief that "there's more than one way to do it," Perl emphasizes practicality over purity. This design principle has contributed to its versatility across domains like web development, system administration, and network programming. Its powerful syntax includes built-in functions for complex tasks and allows developers numerous ways to tackle problems efficiently.

Perl competes with other languages like Python, Ruby, and awk in the realm of text manipulation and scripting tasks. Each language has unique attributes: Python emphasizes readability; Ruby offers elegant syntax fostering productivity; awk excels in rapid pattern scanning within Unix environments. Despite these competitors, Perl stands out due to its concise syntax blending elements from C and shell scripting along with an extensive library of built-in functions that provide powerful tools for handling a wide range of tasks efficiently. This combination makes Perl suitable for developers needing robust solutions for system automation or sophisticated web applications while benefiting from strong community support.

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