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Planoly is a visual management platform specifically designed for Instagram and Pinterest, enabling users to plan, schedule, and analyze their posts effectively. It offers features such as visual grid mapping, automatic scheduling, and detailed analytics to optimize content strategy and boost user engagement on both platforms. These tools help streamline the content creation process by allowing users to maintain a cohesive aesthetic for their feeds while ensuring timely postings through its automatic scheduling tool.

Created in 2016 by Brandy Pham and Andy Ho, Planoly has evolved into a popular tool for individuals, influencers, and businesses aiming to enhance their social media presence. The platform was developed to meet the specific needs of visual content planning tailored to Instagram and Pinterest. By offering drag-and-drop functionality along with comprehensive performance metrics, Planoly helps users visually organize their posts and gain insights into audience engagement. This specialized approach makes it an effective solution for those looking to improve their online storytelling through visually engaging content.

While facing competition from other social media management tools like Later, Hootsuite, and Buffer that offer similar functionalities across various platforms, Planoly distinguishes itself with its focus on visual content planning exclusively for Instagram and Pinterest. Its unique features such as the drag-and-drop grid mapping tool ensure aesthetic consistency across feeds while detailed analytics provide deep insights into post performance. This targeted functionality combined with user-friendly design positions Planoly as an advantageous choice for individuals and businesses seeking a streamlined approach to creating compelling visuals on these platforms.

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