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PL/SQL is a programming language extension to SQL, introduced by Oracle Corporation in the early 1990s, that adds procedural capabilities. It allows the inclusion of imperative code and SQL queries within the same unit, enhancing performance through direct interactions with database tables via stored procedures and functions. This integration simplifies complex data manipulation logic at the database level and reduces network traffic, making it a standard for creating stored procedures in Oracle databases.

The unique features of PL/SQL include its block structure for mixing imperative code with SQL queries and its robust exception handling for error management within database programs. These features facilitate effective creation of stored procedures and functions, which enhances performance by operating directly with tables. Additionally, PL/SQL's tight integration with Oracle databases makes it widely adopted in Oracle environments, supported by extensive documentation that aids developers in managing complex data operations efficiently.

PL/SQL stands out against competitors like PL/pgSQL (PostgreSQL), T-SQL (Microsoft SQL Server), and MySQL's procedural extension due to its specialization for Oracle databases. Its seamless integration with Oracle systems makes it the preferred choice for writing stored procedures in these environments. Database developers, programmers, data engineers, and administrators working within Oracle setups leverage PL/SQL to optimize data management processes, implement business logic at the database level effectively, and ensure efficient handling of complex data operations within their systems.

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