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Processing.js is an open-source library enabling the creation of visual art and data visualization using JavaScript. It allows developers to write programs in Processing—a language designed for artists and designers—and converts them into JavaScript for browser execution without needing plugins like Flash. This facilitates the seamless integration of interactive graphics into HTML5, simplifying the sharing of dynamic content on websites while maintaining the intuitive syntax of Processing.

John Resig, known for his work on jQuery, created Processing.js to bridge the gap between creative programming and web development by converting Processing code to JavaScript at runtime. This innovation enables interactive graphics and visualizations in HTML5 environments without additional plugins. The library offers a versatile tool for both designers and developers, leveraging Processing's simplicity while enhancing web applications with dynamic visual content.

Processing.js competes with libraries like D3.js, p5.js, Three.js, and Paper.js, each offering unique strengths tailored to different aspects of web-based visual programming. While D3.js excels in data visualization, p5.js provides a user-friendly syntax for artists. Three.js specializes in 3D graphics and rendering complex visuals, whereas Paper.js focuses on vector graphics and animation. Processing.js distinguishes itself through its lightweight nature and open-source availability, providing a powerful yet accessible tool that seamlessly integrates creative programming with web development via HTML5 compatibility.

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