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Procyon is an open-source Java compiler developed as part of the Obfuscator-LLVM project, aimed at enhancing obfuscation tools for Java applications. It is widely used by developers for manipulating and transforming Java bytecode, known for its extensibility and high performance. Procyon supports various modern Java features, including switch expressions introduced in JDK 12, making it a valuable tool in current Java development practices.

Procyon's emphasis on high performance and extensibility makes it a preferred choice among developers working with Java bytecode manipulation and transformation. Its compatibility with modern Java features adds to its appeal, further enhanced by its association with the Obfuscator-LLVM project which underscores a focus on robust security practices in software development. Competitors like Apache Groovy, Kotlin, ASM (ObjectWeb), and Javassist offer unique features but Procyon's specific combination of performance, extensibility, and modern feature support sets it apart.

Through its exceptional performance capabilities, Procyon stands out as an efficient tool for developers focused on optimizing their codebase while leveraging new functionalities introduced in recent versions of Java. Its role within the broader goal of the Obfuscator-LLVM project highlights a commitment to improving security practices through advanced obfuscation techniques. With these strengths, Procyon remains a versatile option for those requiring reliable bytecode manipulation and transformation tools integrated with modern Java advancements.

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