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React Native

React Native is an open-source framework that facilitates the creation of native mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It supports the development of cross-platform apps that run seamlessly on iOS, Android, and the web by utilizing pre-built components that map to their native counterparts. This ensures a consistent user experience across devices. The hot reloading feature in React Native accelerates development by making changes instantly visible without requiring recompilation.

Developed by Facebook, Inc., and released as an open-source project in 2015, React Native addresses the need for efficient cross-platform mobile application development. The framework has been widely adopted since its inception and benefits from active community support with contributions from developers globally. This ongoing collaboration has helped maintain and enhance its relevance in a competitive landscape.

React Native's use of JavaScript and React makes it accessible to many web developers looking to transition into mobile development with minimal learning curve. Its hot reloading capability speeds up iteration cycles significantly, while pre-built components ensure a native-like look and feel across platforms with room for customization when necessary. Despite facing competition from frameworks like Flutter, Xamarin, and NativeScript—each offering unique strengths—React Native stands out due to its familiar technologies, consistent user experience emphasis, active community support, and backing from Facebook. These features make it a robust choice for developing high-quality cross-platform mobile applications efficiently.

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