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RethinkDB is an open-source distributed database optimized for real-time web applications, supporting JSON data format and offering features like ad hoc queries, indexing, and joins. It provides near-instant push updates through change feeds when data is modified on the server, automatically handling sharding and replication to ensure scalability and high availability across multiple servers. Founded by Slava Akhmechet and Michael Glukhovsky under RethinkDB Inc., the database system was developed to meet the demands of applications requiring real-time data updates.

RethinkDB stands out due to its unique feature of real-time push updates via change feeds, enabling applications to receive updates as they happen. This capability, coupled with support for ad hoc queries, indexing, and joins, offers flexible querying options for developers. Automatic sharding and replication mechanisms bolster its scalability and reliability by distributing data efficiently across servers. The platform's support for the JSON format aligns with modern web application needs where JSON is commonly used for data exchange.

The main competitors in the distributed database market include Apache Cassandra, MongoDB, Couchbase, and Redis—each providing scalable solutions with various strengths tailored to different use cases. However, RethinkDB distinguishes itself by focusing on real-time web applications needing immediate data updates. Its seamless integration with contemporary web platforms makes it particularly advantageous for developers working on projects that require dynamic querying capabilities alongside robust data management features such as automatic sharding and high availability through replication mechanisms.

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