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Riskex Assessnet

Riskex AssessNET is a cloud-based health and safety risk management software aimed at helping organizations identify, assess, mitigate risks, and track related activities. Users can record incidents and accidents, document response actions, manage audits and inspections, and analyze trends in risk data. Developed by Riskex Ltd—founded in 1999—the platform facilitates comprehensive health and safety risk management to improve organizational compliance and processes.

Riskex AssessNET includes unique features such as incident recording, action documentation post-incident, audit/inspection management, and trend analytics within a user-friendly interface. The cloud-based nature ensures accessibility from any internet-connected location while customizable features cater to specific organizational needs. Competitors like EHS Insight, Intelex, VelocityEHS also offer various risk management solutions but differ in features catering to different organizational preferences.

The software’s competitive edge lies in its ease of use coupled with extensive functionality that supports real-time updates for efficient team collaboration. It stands out through its focus on providing an all-encompassing solution for managing health and safety risks including continuous innovation backed by a strong track record since its founding. Useful for professionals across roles like health & safety managers or compliance officers, Riskex AssessNET improves overall workplace safety through streamlined processes and effective incident response mechanisms.

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