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Sails.js is a real-time MVC application framework built on Node.js, aimed at simplifying the development of data-driven APIs by adopting conventions from frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Laravel. It boasts features such as WebSockets support, RESTful JSON API creation, auto-generated documentation, and a blueprint API generation system that minimizes manual coding while ensuring consistency across application endpoints. Additionally, the inclusion of Waterline as its default ORM/ODM adapter facilitates seamless integration with various databases, enhancing Sails' appeal for modern web application development.

Sails.js distinguishes itself through its robust feature set designed specifically for real-time applications. Its built-in WebSockets support enables bi-directional communication between clients and servers, essential for real-time interactivity. The blueprint API generation system streamlines route and controller action creation based on defined models, significantly reducing development time. Moreover, Sails leverages Waterline to simplify database interactions across different database systems. These attributes make Sails.a highly efficient tool for building scalable and consistent data-driven web applications with minimal effort.

In comparison to other Node.js frameworks like Express.js, Hapi, and Koa, Sails offers unique advantages through its opinionated structure that emphasizes convention over configuration. While Express focuses on flexibility and customization in a minimalist fashion, Hapi provides robustness with its plugin ecosystem and configuration-centric approach. Koa's middleware-oriented design supports lightweight solutions using modern async/await syntax. Despite these strengths in competing frameworks, Sails stands out due to its comprehensive built-in features such as WebSockets support, blueprint API generation system, and Waterline integration; all tailored towards enhancing developer productivity in creating scalable web applications efficiently.

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