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Slate is a prototype-based object-oriented programming language created by Steve Strassmann in the early 1990s as a minimalist alternative to Smalltalk, often described as "Smalltalk without classes." In Slate, new objects are crafted by leveraging the behaviors of existing ones, fostering a compositional programming style. The language incorporates an actor model for concurrency and parallelism, enabling independent objects to have their threads of control. Designed for expressiveness and simplicity, Slate's syntax is suitable for both interactive use at prompts and system-building within files. Although not extensively adopted in commercial applications, its distinctive approach has influenced other languages like Self and Io.

The primary competitors of Slate in prototype-based object-oriented programming include Self and Io. Inspired partly by Slate, Self introduced innovations such as dynamic typing and run-time feedback optimization while maintaining an exclusive focus on the prototype-based model. Io emphasizes minimalism and simplicity through a small core with powerful reflective capabilities. While sharing similarities with these languages in their approach to object-oriented programming principles, each one offers unique design features that cater to various programmer preferences.

Slate differentiates itself from its competitors through its lightweight design philosophy that simplifies code organization by utilizing existing object behaviors to create new ones. Its minimalist syntax enhances user-friendliness for both interactive sessions and file-based system building while incorporating an actor model that supports robust concurrent programming via independent threads of control. These innovative features make Slate a versatile language ideal for developers seeking efficient solutions within object-oriented environments despite its limited commercial application use.

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