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SocialRank is a social media analysis tool designed to help businesses identify their most valuable followers on Twitter and Instagram. It provides detailed insights into followers' interests, demographics, location, frequency of engagement, and influence. Founded in 2014 by Alex Taub and Michael Schonfeld, SocialRank was developed to assist businesses in understanding their audience better and optimizing their social media strategies based on data-driven insights.

The platform offers unique features such as the ability to filter followers based on specific criteria like verified accounts, location, language, and keywords. This filtering capability makes it easier for businesses to target relevant audiences effectively. Additionally, SocialRank allows users to segment followers into lists and export data for further analysis. These functionalities provide flexibility for businesses wishing to customize their approach and optimize social media activities tailored specifically for Twitter and Instagram.

SocialRank stands out from competitors like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Brandwatch, and Keyhole by specializing exclusively in Twitter and Instagram analysis. Its focus on these platforms enables the provision of detailed follower insights that help businesses engage more effectively with their audience. The user-friendly interface coupled with customization options for segmenting followers significantly enhances its competitive edge. By offering intuitive tools for exporting data along with comprehensive analytics capabilities tailored specifically for Twitter and Instagram users can make informed decisions that improve reach and impact on these platforms.

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