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VerbalizeIt provides a translation and interpretation service aimed at businesses that require multilingual communication support. It offers real-time interpretation and access to professional interpreters and translators proficient in over 150 languages, addressing needs such as customer support, e-commerce transactions, and document translations. Additionally, the platform helps with internationalization for apps and websites, providing a comprehensive solution for various business communication requirements.

Founded by Ryan Frankel and Kunal Sarda in 2010, VerbalizeIt emerged to fulfill the demand for accessible translation services among businesses engaged in multilingual communications. The platform's development focused on offering efficient solutions across multiple spheres of business interactions including customer support and e-commerce. Its unique proposition lies in providing real-time language services alongside extensive document translation capabilities.

VerbalizeIt distinguishes itself through its immediate access to professional interpreters for live verbal interactions and comprehensive language support from a global network of experts. This efficiency sets it apart from competitors like LanguageLine Solutions, Lionbridge, and Gengo. By ensuring high-quality language assistance across live interactions, documents, apps, and websites internationalization efforts, VerbalizeIt positions itself as a leader in the industry. It caters effectively to businesses looking to improve their global reach by breaking down language barriers through reliable multilingual communication solutions.

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