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VyOS is an open-source network operating system that evolved from Vyatta Core, designed to function as both firewall software and a router platform. It offers a command-line interface for configuring various networking services, including routing, switching, VPN services like OpenVPN and IPsec, and firewalling. The system supports both IPv4 and IPv6 routing protocols and can be integrated into physical or virtual environments. VyOS's versatility allows it to be utilized in settings ranging from low-resource embedded systems to complex data center or enterprise deployments.

The development of VyOS was initiated by Merit Networks after the discontinuation of the Vyatta Core project in 2013. Members of the original Vyatta Core team continued the project under its new name as a community-driven initiative. Since then, contributors from across the networking community have furthered its development, positioning it as a robust solution for network administrators seeking a customizable and reliable network infrastructure tool. VyOS caters to both small-scale deployments on embedded systems and larger setups in data centers, enhancing its flexibility through strong support for modern networking standards.

VyOS competes with several other firewall software and router platforms like pfSense, OPNsense, Cisco's IOS, and MikroTik RouterOS by offering unique features such as a command-line interface that appeals to skilled network administrators desiring granular control over their configurations. Its open-source nature provides cost-effective access without licensing fees or vendor lock-in while supporting advanced technical customizations through strong compatibility with IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. This scalability allows VyOS to meet diverse needs across small businesses to large organizations by providing versatile solutions suitable for varied networking environments.

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