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XDL, or XML Data Language, is a markup language used for describing functions, signatures, and definitions within the XQuery programming language. Developed as part of the W3C's XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics recommendation from 2007, it employs an XML-based syntax to facilitate modularity. This allows functions to be described independently and integrated into larger documents as needed, enhancing comprehension of program structures and simplifying code sharing across projects. The use of an XML format also enables robust tool support, such as autocomplete features in code editors based on defined functions.

The development of XDL was motivated by the need to enhance modularity in programming structures for XQuery. By using a standardized approach to describe XQuery components in an XML-based syntax, XDL assists in fostering a deeper understanding of program architectures while facilitating code sharing across different projects. This structured and efficient means of describing functions supports advanced tool features like code autocompletion based on defined functions within XDL files. These attributes ultimately streamline the development process and improve efficiency when working with XQuery.

XDL stands out due to its specialized focus on describing elements specific to the XQuery programming language compared to other markup languages like XQueryX or general-purpose ones such as XML Schema Definition (XSD) or Document Type Definition (DTD). Its unique approach enhances modularity by enabling independent articulation of functions that can be seamlessly integrated into larger documents. This promotes better understanding and management of program structures while offering sophisticated tool support like autocomplete functionalities in code editors. Consequently, developers working with XQuery benefit from improved organization, flexibility in managing components, enhanced productivity through efficient coding processes facilitated by this tailored markup language.

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