Andre L.Full-stack Product Engineer
Software Developer with over a year of experience specializing in the implementation of new web functionalities and the resolution of technical issues to deliver optimal results. Proficiency includes frontend technologies such as TypeScript, Angular 7, HTML5, Bootstrap, and CSS, as well as backend expertise in Java, RESTful APIs with Spring Boot, and PostgreSQL database management. Additionally, time is dedicated to further study and proficiency in Java, ReactJS, and NodeJS.
9/1/2021 - Present
Focused on the development of features and bug fixes in a credit union system using Java with JSP on the backend. Created and maintained microservices utilizing Quarkus and Spring frameworks. Leveraged PostgreSQL for database management, ensuring data integrity and optimized querying.FullStack Developer
4/2/2020 - 8/1/2021
Developed and implemented new features and resolved bugs utilizing a tech stack comprising TypeScript with Angular for frontend development and Java for backend services. Leveraged PostgreSQL for database management, ensuring robust and efficient data handling.
Internet Systems Technologist at UniCesumar is not an educational degree; it's an educational institution. Could you please provide an educational degree to proceed with the translation if needed?
2019 - 2023
Andre is available for hire
Meet Andre L.All Howdy Candidates are vetted for skills and english proficiency.